Saturday 16 July 2011

First Entry by Me. Potrait

Hi and good day. 
This is my first entry for my blog. I love photography but not a pro. Photography is just my hobby. So, for my first post, I want to talk about a portrait pictures. I really, really like to take a portrait pictures of somebody even an animals, like cats, rabbits and else. To me, portrait pictures give us a thousand of impressions and emotions. So, these are my little artwork for portrait. :) Enjoy~ and please do comment about my artwork. 

I got lot more, just visit my Picasa. Oh, I'm using Canon 400D. This is an old camera. hahha. Almost about 5 years old. >.< Enjoy~


  1. gambar cantik yang buat 'peace' tu..nice2 :)

  2. gmbr nye ke org nye? hehhe >.<

  3. gambarnye dan juge orangnye photogenic :)

  4. Nana namenye.. huhhu. comey tak? :D


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